Kołodziej, Agnieszka2018-04-042018-04-042018-03Bohemistyka, 2018, nr 1, s. 46-601642–9893http://hdl.handle.net/10593/22591This article focuses on the issue of Slavic onomastic (especially Slavic zoonomastic and zoonyms). The main subjects of article are the place of zoonyms in onymical launguage system and terminology of zoonomastic and zoonyms in Slavic languages with particular focus on West- and South Slavic languages. Furthermore, article discusses tendencies which can be observed in contemporary zoonomastical terminology.polinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccesszoonomastical terminologyzoonomasticzoonymsProper Names of animalsonymical systemSlavic languageszoonymical microsystemTerminologia zoonomastyczna – chaos czy ład?Zoonomastics terminology – chaos or order?Artykuł