Tyszka, Zbigniew2013-03-052013-03-052000Roczniki Socjologii Rodziny, 2000, tom 12, s. 7-14.0867-2059http://hdl.handle.net/10593/4899The processes occurring within the family are stimulated not only by interactions occurring within it, but are also influenced by the external social world outside of the family - by the microstructure, mezzostructure, macrostructure and the global society. The state of modern industrial and post-industrial societes gives a certain kind of inner family socialization of children, a disintegration of intra-family socialization occurs, which is also influence by social atomisation, the loosening of community bonds, as well as the diminishing of the authority of the parents and grandparents, an increase in the dissolution of families and in the number of pathological phenomena in the family and society, which pathologise people. The conditions of intra and outer-family socialization leave more and more to be desired. Parents do not cope in the new complicated situations.plStan rodziny współczesnej a wewnątrzrodzinna socjalizacja dzieciArtykuł