Plichta, Piotr2013-04-182013-04-182012Studia Edukacyjne, nr 23, 2012, s. 267-280978-83-232-2520-11233-6688 paper presents results of examining prevalence of online victimization among Polish mildly intellectually disabled adolescents (N = 100). The data was obtained via the Lodz Electronic Aggression Prevalence Questionnaire (LEPAQ), adjusted to intellectually disabled respondents’ needs. Sixty-fi ve percent of the respondents have fallen victim to a form of aggression performed over the Internet or a mobile phone whereas fi fteen percent of the intellectually disabled pupils experienced cyberbullying – the most dangerous form of electronic aggression. The data shows that the involvement of the pupils with mild intellectual disability in electronic aggression is intensive and internally diversifi ed. For the intellectually disabled, electronic aggression occurs more often within a peer group, which results from the fact that they attend special schools and have limited social contacts.plelectronic intellectual disabilityinternetaggression/cyberbullyingvictimizationUczniowie z lekką niepełnosprawnością intelektualną jako ofi ary agresji elektronicznejStudents with Mild Intellectual Disability as Victims of Electronic AggressionArtykuł