Wilczyński, Wacław2013-07-162013-07-162005Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 67, 2005, z. 1, s. 153-165.0035-9629http://hdl.handle.net/10593/6780The condition of the Polish economy in autumn 2004 reflects the evolution of the economic policy of transformation led by subsequent governments following 1989. A fast GDP growth was accompanied by such unfavourable phenomena as the increasing public debt, especially the most recently (2001-2004). The radical structural, monetary and fiscal policy of the first years after 1989 was replaced after 1992 by a „third way” policy, unable to assure equilibrium of the public finance. The Polish economy cannot afford such an expensive policy. On the contrary, stress should be given on augmenting the rate of investment to support the fight against unemployment. The increase of the public debt must be stopped as well. All these tasks require deep changes of the actual economic policy and reitaration of market motivated activities o f the government. The coexistence of a market sector with a non market sector is too expensive, not only in PolandplWYZNACZNIKI POLSKIEJ POLITYKI GOSPODARCZEJ Z POCZĄTKIEM XXI WIEKUDETERMINANTS OF THE POLISH ECONOMIC POLICY AT THE BEGINNING OF THE 21ST CENTURYArtykuł