Piasny, Janusz2017-01-052017-01-051987Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 49, 1987, z. 4, s. 151-1730035-9629http://hdl.handle.net/10593/17263In the first part of his article the author sketches the conditions of establishing, in 1926, the School of Trade and then stresses its scientific and teaching development resulting in the subsequent changes of names into the Trade Academy in 1938, School of Economics in 1950 and the Academy of Economics in 1974. The main part of the article includes information and evaluations as to: — the actual profile of the Academy together with its teaching disciplines and specializations; — main lines of research concerning national and local economy carried out in the Academy; — teaching and research cooperation with foreign scientific centers. The final part of the article contains prognoses concerning the research staff, the changes in the structure and fields of instruction and indicates the areas of more intensive research up to the year 2000. Throughout the whole article the emphasis is placed on the position and role of the Poznań School in the subsequent developmental phases of economic schooling of academic rank in Poland.polinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessThe place and role of Poznań Academy of Economics in educating economists and in economic researchMiejsce i rola Akademii Ekonomicznej w Poznaniu w kształceniu ekonomistów oraz w badaniach nad gospodarkąArtykuł