Rudawska, Edyta2013-07-182013-07-182002Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 64, 2002, z. 3, s. 185-202.0035-9629 sector of banking services in Poland is still evolving and at the current stage banks endeavour to strengthen their market position by winning over customers from the competition or gaming customers who have never used banking services before. However, as the banking market is becoming increasingly established, keeping the existing customers and gaining their loyalty gradually becomes the main goal of banks. At present, in the national banking service sector attaining a balance between gaining and keeping customers seems to be extremely significant. Admittedly, winning new customers is certainly still a very important task for Polish banks. However, banks should already anticipate future changes and consequently plan and prepare long-term programmes of gaining customers’ loyalty. It is a crucial issue, as maintaining customers’ loyalty in turn heavily affects the financial results of any bank. For instance, in the financial services sector, improving the customer retention ratio may boost profits by 80%. To gain customers’ loyalty, banks should prepare long-term loyalty-maintaining strategies, which should involve all the bank’s human resources. These strategies should focus on service quality, promotional activities, complaint policy, and the establishment of a permanent personnel basis (mainly in the direct customer service area). Loyalty-shaping strategies must be accompanied by effective loyalty assessment methods. The most helpful areas could be the analysis of customers’ readiness for multiple purchases, analysis of customers’ basic behaviour (such as purchase frequency, period of using the bank’s services) and secondary behaviour (such as e.g. willingness to recommend the bank to others). When creating customer loyalty strategies banks should keep in mind that the most valuable customers are not only those who generate the highest profits at a given moment, but also those with a prospect for long-term fruitful co-operation. For this reason, banks already understand the need to address their offer to university students in order to create lasting relationships. This study presents some selected results of an analysis conducted by the author among students of tertiary education, aiming at assessing the degree of their readiness to become loyal bank customers. Based on the loyalty assessment methods described in the article, the author presents the results which suggest to what extent students may develop into faithful bank customers. The above analysis is accompanied by a presentation of young peoples’ behaviour that may be a possible detriment to the process of becoming a loyal bank customer.plPOZYSKANIE LOJALNEGO KLIENTA JAKO WARUNEK SUKCESU RYNKOWEGO BANKUGAINING A LOYAL CUSTOMER AS A PRECONDITION OF A BANK’S MARKET SUCCESSArtykuł