Lorek, Dariusz2017-01-102017-01-102007Badania Fizjograficzne, Seria A, Tom 58, 2007, s. 31-46978-83-7063-538-10067-2807http://hdl.handle.net/10593/17333The basic aim of the article is to analyse the state and level of development of green urban spaces in the western wedge of Poznañ in terms of their usefulness for a tourist trail. The research was carried out in several stages: a field (GPS) inventory of the trail, followed by a study of the quality and state of elements of its natural environment, with special attention paid to the human impact on the green spaces of this area. The field survey and an analysis of source materials showed the idea of a tourist trail in the area to be justified. The following facts were established: the trail is about 21 km long and while mainly for hikers, it can also be used for bicycle tourism; the trail connects interesting objects and forms of both natural and man-made character; the plant communities found in the western wedge of greenery are largely transformed ones with a predominance of pine stands of mixed age structure; the dominant habitat types are useful for tourism because of their great aesthetic and curative properties combined with a high resistance to recreational uses; the human impact is most readily visible in areas near the centre and bathing beaches; road and rail transport has a detrimental effect on the state of the natural environment of the area; there is a declining pressure on the aqueous environment, mainly due to a reduction in the amount of untreated waste discharged into the Bogdanka; the recreational infrastructure is generally good, but there is a shortage of information tables, rain shelters, and dustbins; and a problem is the poor state of repair of some roads resulting from the use of the area for horse riding.polinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessStan i zagospodarowanie zieleni miejskiej w zachodnim klinie Poznania jako podstawa wytyczenia szlaku turystycznegoArtykuł