Hendrykowski, Marek2012-09-262012-09-262010"Images" 2009, nr 13-14 (vol. 7), pp. 169-1791731-450Xhttp://hdl.handle.net/10593/3439The study assesses the changing nature of the Polish art in the period of liberalization after Stalin’s death. It includes detailed analysis of various (social, political, philosophical and especially aesthetic) implications for important issues such as: poetry, drama, cinema, peinture, sculpture, song, popular culture etc. Marek Hendrykowski provides case studies that lead to alternative ways of viewing current conceptual frameworks of aesthetics and its consequences for interdisciplinary reflexion on arts.plhistory of modern artaestheticspoeticsPolish art of the 1950s.sculptureMuzy w intymnym świetle. O przemianach w sztuce Odwilży i PaździernikaArtykuł