Markuszewska, Iwona2017-01-232017-01-232005Badania Fizjograficzne, Seria A, Tom 56, 2005, s. 93-10683-7063-456-70067-2807 this article the analysis of changes the structural analysis of the landscape treating forest islands in the Kalisz Plateau over the last forest surface as landscape islands and functio- 200 years was presented. The study included ning analysis of the ecosystem exploring the interactions between the forest islands and their surroundings. Particular attention was paid to processes influencing physionomical qualities of forest islands: fragmentation, shrinkage, attrition, increment and apperance of new forest surfaces. The statistical indicies and the descriptive analysis were used for the presentation of the forest islands dynamic changes. The results of researches proved an important role of human activities which leads to significant transformation of the forest islands in the Kalisz Plateau.polinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessZmiany powierzchni leśnej Wysoczyzny Kaliskiej w kontekście analizy struktury krajobrazuArtykuł