Gruchman, Bohdan2017-12-202017-12-201979Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 41, 1979, z. 1, s. 117-1230035-9629 article contains results of two questionnaires prepared by the author early in 1978 with the assistance of planners and planning institutions of several Asiatic countiries on the state of regional planning and training requlirements in this region of the world. In response to growing demand many countries in Asia have developed an extensive organizational infrastructure for regional planning. Within this framework various kinds of regional plans are being prepared, often with considerable assistance of foreign experts and institutions. Although interesting attempts are being made to implement regional plans a major weakness of regional planning in many Asiatic counitiries is its labk of implementaitional power. The countries of Asia urgently need substantially increased numbers of qualified regional planners in order to meet the growing demand and to overcome all major weaknesses of this kind of planning.polinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessPlanowanie regionalne w krajach azjatyckich: diagnoza stanu i potrzebPlanning in Asiatic Countries. Diagnosis of Present State and Future RequirementsArtykuł