Blajet, PiotrPrzybborowska, BeataBaczała, DittaBinnebesel, Józef2019-09-232019-09-232018Studia Edukacyjne, 2018, nr 49, s. 55-651233-6688 article aims at presenting the integral approach to the health of Polish education leaders’ (head teachers) in light of Ken Wilber’s map (four classes of factors responsible for health), in the social-ecological model of health. Material and Methods: The Matrix of ReflectivenessDevelopment, an original self-observation schedule, was applied as a research tool. 46 head teachers were examined. Results: The results show that the respondents look after their own health the least. Relaxation is something they associate with mental health, while physical health is not high on their list of priorities. Conclusions: The respondents mainly focus on professional and family lives. Very little focus is placed on reflectionand an integral approach to health. The analysis of research results highlights the challenges that education at each level, including health education, must face.enginfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccesshealtheducation leaderintegral model of healtheducationhealth educationEducation Leaders’ Health in the Integral Perspective. A Research AccountZdrowie liderów oświaty w perspektywie integralnej. Raport z badańArtykuł