Strzelbicki, Michał2013-03-112013-03-112003Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 65, 2003, z. 3, s. 55-740035-9629 to render services, freedom of movement of goods and employees, freedom of business activity, free flow of capital and payments are the key freedoms constituting the framework of the European Union. This paper presents the freedom of rendering services viewed from the standpoint of scope of entities (categories of entities that can enjoy this freedom), subject of the freedom (range of rights enshrined in this freedom) and rules on the basis of which an entity that falls within the scope of entities enjoying this freedom and conducting activities that are categorized under the subject scope of the freedom to render services should be treated. The paper also presents the essence of the freedom to render services, ways and means of its restriction and examines the freedom to establish business entities. The author also examines the regulations concerning rendering of services that are included in the European Treaty, focusing on the consequences of Poland’s accession to the European Union in terms of cross-border rendering of services by Polish citizens and businesses.plSWOBODA ŚWIADCZENIA USŁUG W UNII EUROPEJSKIEJFREEDOM OF RENDERING SERVICES IN THE EUROPEAN UNIONArtykuł