Kozielska, Joanna2020-10-192020-10-19Joanna Kozielska, Wybory edukacyjno-zawodowe uczniów gimnazjów w tym uczniów ze specjalnymi potrzebami edukacyjnymi w kontekście kondycji doradztwa zawodowego [w:] Interdyscyplinarne Konteksty Pedagogiki Specjalnej, nr 20, Poznań 2018. Pp. 123-141. Adam Mickiewicz University Press. ISSN 2300-391X. DOI: 10.14746/ikps.2018.20.062300-391Xhttp://hdl.handle.net/10593/25861The proposed text is an illustration of research conducted in the first half of 2016 years of empirical verification planning future educational and vocational secondary school and upper secondary youth in Gniezno. When analyzing the situation of the local labor market and its prospects for the group of respondents was done between other high school students, because they are in a few years will include the labor market and indirectly (now) affect its shape. The awareness of their plans but allows us to predict, and thus the possibility of remedying causing difficulties in the labor market. In proposed project groups of respondents they were done as teenagers of secondary schools, directors of secondary schools and the largest local employers. Article focuses on students with special educational needs and on issues concerning the condition of vocational education and educational and professional choices of young people, taken over their strategies in relation to the current needs of the local labor marketpolinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessmłodzieżspecjalne potrzeby edukacyjneplany edukacyjno-zawodowedoradztwo zawodoweWybory edukacyjno-zawodowe uczniów gimnazjów w tym uczniów ze specjalnymi potrzebami edukacyjnymi w kontekście kondycji doradztwa zawodowego