Dziel-Sierszuła, Magdalena2018-03-082018-03-082015Filozofia Publiczna i Edukacja Demokratyczna, 2015, Tom 4, Nr 2, s. 199-222.2299-1875 article raises the issue of children’s rights. The main question it seeks to address is whether children should be taught about their human rights and if so, by what means. The article presents the basic assumptions of the innovative curriculum „Colours of childhood”, which outlines how the subject of children’s rights can be implemented into the teaching practice. The last part contains the results of brief survey of teachers and parents concerning the evaluation the curriculum „Colours of childhood”.polinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccesschildren’s rightsdemocratic educationnursery schoolcurriculum „The colours of childhood”Jak rozmawiać o prawach dziecka z przedszkolakami – na przykładzie programu edukacyjnego „Kolory Dzieciństwa”How to discuss children’s rights with nursery school pupils? An example of educational curriculum “Colours of ChildhoodArtykuł