Tokarczyk, Roman2013-03-152013-03-152000Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 62, 2000, z. 1, s. 15-310035-9629 Author has begun his article with an enumeration of particular kinds of transplantations and an explanation of some basic notions in relation with the domain - for to give next a short description of the history of this medicine branch and of perspectives for its further development. Next some fundamental principles of transplanatory practice are presented, and namely - principle of lawfulness, objectivism, collecting of transplants from deceased persons rather, majority of givers, ban on commercialising a human body, equality of access and, finally, ban on making profits out of transplanting. The Author analyses reservations and fears involved with transplantation of organs collected from living bodies and from the dead. The Author also presents national legal regulations related to these questions and ends his article with his opinions on ethic norms in transplantology.plZARYS REGULACJI TRANSPLANTACJI ORGANÓW LUDZKICHAN OUTLINE OF LEGAL REGULATION OF HUMAN ORGANS TRANSPLANTATIONArtykuł