Giessen, HansSkowronek, Barbara2014-07-032014-07-032013Glottodidactica, Vol. 40/1 (2013), s. 51-6283-232-1043-80072-4769 learning does not necessarily make sense nor is it necessarily effective, for that matter, simply because it uses a medium. Rather, there are several variables that can and do influence its success: the very medium, the content, and the learner’s cognitive styles. All variables have to be taken into consideration, alone and interacting, in order to decide whether and where media-based learning is to be used, and where it might be counterproductive.demedia-based learningmediumperformancelearning stylescontentMedium, Performanz, Inhalt: Eine theoretische Metastudie zum mediengestützten LernenMedium, performance, and content: A theoretical meta-analysis on media-based learningArtykuł