Gajdzica, Zenon2013-07-162013-07-162013Studia Edukacyjne, nr 24, 2013, s. 103-114978-83-232-2576-81233-6688 major aim of this article is to present teachers’ declarations concerning the sources of their knowledge of the educational reform for learners with special educational needs. These declarations were confronted with the declarations of teachers working in Czech schools, who have experienced structurally similar changes in previous years. The discussion is based on the thesis that teachers’ reliable knowledge of the reform is a prerequisite of its success in practice. The study consists of several parts. The fi rst one presents an outline of the development and transformations of special education in Poland and the Czech Republic. The heart of the text consists of the declarations submitted and their discussion in the context of different sources of knowledge (popular, scientifi c and institutional – otherwise called departmental). This is done in reference to the essence of the suggested and implemented changes. The text fi nishes with fi nal conclusions.plreform of the education systemlearner with special educational needspopularscientifi c and institutional knowledgeŹródła wiedzy polskich i czeskich nauczycieli na temat przemian kształcenia uczniów niepełnosprawnych – doniesienie z badańThe sources of Polish and Czech teachers’ knowledge about the changes in the education of disabled learners – a research reportArtykuł