Skoczylas, Andrzej2013-07-182013-07-182002Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 64, 2002, z. 3, s. 57-65.0035-9629 author touches upon a very salient issue, which is the influence of allowing a complaint by the Polish Supreme Administrative Court upon the validity of decisions taken in a procedure that leads up towards decision- making as well as the validity of decisions taken in the course of a procedure that deals with accidents and incidents (e.g. co-operation acts issued in accordance with art. 106 of the Code of Administrative Procedure). Among controversial issues in the Polish literature there is one concerning the effects of the Supreme Administrative Court’s verdicts invalidating administrative decisions that concern acts made in the course of the administrative procedure. There is also no homogeneity in this respect in courts’ judicial decisions. The author discusses the problem on the basis of his own analysis of legal regulations, giving a number of examples o f judicial decisions.plUWZGLĘDNIENIE SKARGI PRZEZ NSA A MOC WIĄŻĄCA POSTANOWIEŃA VERDICT ISSUED BY THE POLISH SUPREME ADMINISTRATIVE COURT ALLOWING A COMPLAINT AGAINST A DECISIONArtykuł