Mrozewicz, Leszek2013-12-042013-12-042013Studia Europaea Gnesnensia, 7/2013, s. 201-232978-83-7654-166-22082-5951 article is concerned with urbanisation processes in Roman Africa, initiated by the Flavian dynasty (69–96). Emperor Vespasian and his successors focused their attention primarily on Africa Proconsularis. The new cities they created — colonies and municipia — were to perform an important strategic role, i.e. protect the territories of Africa Proconsularis against the southern tribes. With the great private latifundia and imperial domains, the province played a significant role in supplying the city of Rome with grain. Also, from the point of view of the state, the undertakings meant internal consolidation of the province.enImperium RomanumAfricaFlaviansurbanisationRomanizationcoloniesmunicipiaFlavian Urbanisation of AfricaArtykuł