Pielka, Henryk2013-02-082013-02-082001Roczniki Socjologii Rodziny, 2001, tom 13, s. 137-1470867-2059http://hdl.handle.net/10593/4393People’s abilities form the basis of the development of a society. Along with socio-economic and cultural development, the demand for highly specialized scientific, technical and managerial staff increases. The notion of ability is used to define those qualities of human psyche which condition the capacity to act effectively in specific areas while carrying out various tasks. The living environment of outstanding students was characterized by a complete structure of their families, higher and secondary education of their parents, favourable living conditions, a high standard of participation in culture and childcare, as well as good atmosphere at home. Parents support their children in the choice of proper school and work.plWewnątrzrodzinne uwarunkowania wyboru zawodu i szkoły uczniów postrzeganych przez nauczycieli jako wybitnie zdolnychInter-family conditioning of choosing school and job by students perceived by teachers as outstandingArtykuł