Jaremczuk, KazimierzMazurkiewicz, AnnaMolter, Anna2014-12-292014-12-292014Management, Vol. 18, No. 1, 2014, pp. 301-3131429-9321http://hdl.handle.net/10593/12457This article is focused on the culture’s influence on the employees’ career. The career itself has been interpreted with a particular emphasis on its contemporary understanding. The issue of values internalization has been focused on. To organizational culture’s importance in the career development has been given consideration here - a career in the subjective perspective i.e. identification with a professional group, as well as perceived from both organization’s and the environment’s perspective as well. In particular, the problem regards organizational culture as a derivative of the employees’ environmental cultures.encareerorganizational culturenew type of careerCultural determinants of attitudes toward careerArtykuł