Aronin, Larissa2012-08-312012-08-312012-06Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching, 2012, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 179-191.2083 5205 is an important dimension in humans’ social and individual lives. It is either a stimulating or hindering aspect of language learning. This article aims to draw attention to material culture as a powerful, but mostly neglected source of data on the use and acquisition of languages, and demonstrates the close and intricate links between affectivity and material culture. It is hoped that revealing these interrelationships will assist in understanding and managing language diversity. It will allow practitioners and teachers to carry out social and private encounters, events and language teaching with more care, understanding and expertise. Researchers will be encouraged to join the investigation of yet one more important facet of multilingualism – material culture.enmaterial culturemultilingualismaffectivitylanguage uselanguage teachingMaterial culture of multilingualism and affectivityArtykuł