Kowalewski, Franciszek2013-05-062013-05-061992Neodidagmata, nr 21, 1992, pp. 33-45978-83-232-2332-00077-653Xhttp://hdl.handle.net/10593/6102This paper is an attempt at a new perspective upon school as an environment in which pupils live. Traditional school limited pupils' activities to educational situations only. The new perspective means that pupils can perform more diversified activities at school and also experience various situations there. The quality of pupils' life at school is determined by all those situations. In this paper a number of school features (variables) have been suggested. The examination of those features would provide us with an answer to what an extent a school creates a conducive environment for the allround development of children and young people. „Ecological school" is the name that has been suggested in the paper for such a school which promotes the conducive environment for pupils' activities and their development.plaktywnościactivitiesreforma edukacjireform of educationszkoła ekologicznaecological schoolpedagogika opiekuńczapedagogy of careSytuacje szkolne uczniów jako przedmiot badań pedagogiki opiekuńczejPupils in various school situations as the subject of the „protective" pedagogyArtykuł