Rossa, Piotr2018-03-152018-03-152008Filozofia a slovanské myšlienkové dedičstvo: osobnosti, problémy, inšpirácie, red. Z. Plašienkova, B. Szotek, M. Toman, Bratislava 2008, s.149-156.978-80-89256-18-1 article discusses the subject of everyday life in its twofold dimension, as the experience of banality and normality, as well as the possibility of deeper theological meaning. In doing so, the discussion refers to Karel Capek's Apocrypha Tales. First, the article points to every event, as understood from a historical and religious perspective. Next, it concentrates on the Bible, as a particular example of the possible historic and religious record of this event. Finally, in order to show his profound perception of human existence in its inception, duration and completion, the article points to the Apocryphal writings, as a record which is theological by nature. This is illustrated by the particular representative examples from the Tales (Holy Night, The Crucifixtion, and Lazarus.polinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessczeska literaturafilozofiaapokryfyCapek Karelzwyczajnośćeveryday lifeniezwyczajność"Apocryphal Tales"religijnośćdesakralizacjabanalityBibliatheologicalJezus ChrystusZwyczajna/niezwyczajna codzienność w opowiadaniach Karla CapkaOrdinary/extraordinary everyday life in Karel Capek's "Apocryphal Tales"Rozdział z książki