Pohl, Łukasz2013-03-152013-03-152000Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 62, 2000, z. 2, s. 79-860035-9629 of the essence of aiding and abetting as based on the Penal Code adopted on June 6, 1997, is the object of considerations comprised in the article. This essence has been very much transformed in relation to the legal state previously binding. Three fundamental problems ¿ire here concerned: subject of aiding and abetting, and - two aspects: as to the doer and as to the deed. The Author of the article analyses in details all particular provisions related to aiding and abetting and to co-perpetration. For this purpose both latest Penal Codes are being compared - the one from 1969 and the other - from 1997. The Author finds that an urgent amending of the paragraph 10-2 is needed because of the fact that its present form means a serious disharmony in treatment of the juvenile.plISTOTA POMOCNICTWA W KODEKSIE KARNYM Z 6 VI 1997 R.THE ESSENCE OF AIDING AND ABETTING IN THE PENAL CODE FROM JUNE 6, 1997Artykuł