Krause, Amadeusz2014-09-222014-09-222013Studia Edukacyjne, nr 28, 2013, s. 7-16978-83-232-2731-11233-6688 from the considerations and analyses of emancipatory educators one realizes that current special education ought to become emancipatory. The liberation of a persona with a disability should proceed simultaneously with the humanization of social and cultural life. The problem of special education needs to cope with what seems of double nature: what is at stake is on the one hand a simplifi ed and narrowly understood emancipation of the disabled, and on the other hand overcoming emancipatory barriers which are typical of our culture and social environment. Emancipatory pedagogy serves to diagnose these barriers.plemancipatory pedagogyemancipationspecial educationperson with a disabilityTeoretyczne inspiracje pedagogiki specjalnej – pedagogika emancypacyjnaTheoretical Inspirations of Special Education – Emancipatory PedagogyArtykuł