Godzich, AnnaKlimová, KatarináMesárová, Eva2016-06-162016-06-162015-12"Dal 1976 al 2006: livellazione semantica del valore dei tempi e dei modi nella didattica dell'italiano L2", in: "Lingue, culture, letterature tra geografia e storia" Katariná Klimová, Eva Mesárová (eds.), pp. 100-118, Hradec Králové: Gaudeamus978-80-7435-618-6http://hdl.handle.net/10593/14720In the paper we present some of the most significant tendencies in Italian LS teaching in the past thirty years (1976 -2006). All of the simplifications concern Italian Verbal Moods: imperative, gerundio presente and gerundio passato, past and present infinitive, congiuntivo trapassato and condizionale composto. In our analysis we want to compare certain features present in the most recent Italian LS grammars with those of the seventies and nineties of the past century.itainfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessItalian LS teachingsemantic levelingconsecutio temporum e modorumItalian language acquisitionItalian language competitionLinguistic simplification"Dal 1976 al 2006: livellazione semantica del valore dei tempi e dei modi nella didattica dell'italiano L2"Rozdział z książki