Przyborowska, Beata2015-07-242015-07-242015Studia Edukacyjne, 2015, nr 35, s.7-20.978-83-232-2904-91233-6688 text deals with the problem of human functioning in the innovative situation. It emphasizes the need for shaping the identity transformation, which is creatively changed under the influence of the innovative situation. In the innovation situation, the human person is: a) the one who creates new things or produces them, b) the one who learns new things, c) the one who actively influences others in their assimilation of news. The text also presents Florida's creative class concept and the role of education in the development of the society of the future.plinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessinnovativenesscreativitycreative classidentityinnovative situationTożsamość w sytuacji innowacyjnejThe Identity in the Innovative SituationArtykuł