Grabowski, Jakub2013-03-082013-03-082008Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 70, 2008, z. 3, s. 149-1640035-9629 competition among regions as social-economic spatial complexes is conditioned by proper configuration o f their components. The quality o f competitiveness is, in turn, influenced by the quality of infrastructure, level of education or the condition of the natural environment. Activities of am individual management department in a region require creation of specific conditions that are essential from the point of view of the development o f each particular line o f business. Therefore, alongside general competitiveness, branch competitiveness should be also taken into consideration. An example here is tourist competitiveness determined by a number of internal and external factors. The most specific among them is a subjectively perceived image being a carrier of features of each territory.plUWARUNKOWANIA KONKURENCYJNOŚCI TURYSTYCZNEJ REGIONÓWCONDITIONS FOR EFFECTIVE COMPETITION AMONG TOURIST REGIONSArtykuł