Nowak, Ewa2018-12-032018-12-032017-09Ruch Filozoficzny vol. LXXII 2017, 3, s. 137-1570035-9599, the paper reconstructs the core stages of anthropological reflection on disabled human condition. Each stage shows some strengths but, at the same time, limitations, for – according to the thesis advocated by the author – the humankind has still not achieved an appropriate quality of coexistence of disabled and enabled individuals. Secondly, the paper examines modern philosophical anthropologies which could empower such a coexistence. Herder and Gehlen's approaches seem to offer a more a adequate contribution than Kant's (and scholastic) anthropology. A revival of the paradigm is only thinkable due to an overall transvaluation of disability-related axiologies and the postconventionalisation of disability-related norms and institutions as well.polinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessniepełnosprawnośćantropologiaAntropologia niepełnosprawności: narodziny, schyłek i odrodzenie paradygmatuArtykuł