Costato, Luigi2013-12-312013-12-312007Przegląd Prawa Rolnego, 2007 Nr 1, s. 12-25.978-83-232176-0-21897-7626 aim of the study was to establish the extent of the influence of Community law on Italian agricultural law today. The article points to two tendencies present in the Common Agricultural Policy of the EU: (i) the progressing ‘re-nationalisation’ which, through a larger margin of the freedom of decision granted by the Community, allows member states to better adjust the legal instruments required by the Community law to the specific national and regional needs, and (ii) the Community intervention in the food sector. The European CAP, in distancing itself from agricultural production, focuses on agriculture that is aimed at conservation and improvement o f the natural environment, and on the production of safe and quality products. As shown in the conclusions, the evolution o f Community law is twofold. On the one hand there is a growing concern and recognition that national policies o f member states must be catered for, on the other hand, however, the hygiene conditions and safety requirements that agricultural producers must observe are increasing in numbers.plWpływ wspólnotowego prawa rolnego na prawo rolne wewnętrzneArtykuł