Ziółkowska, BeataBrzezińska, Anna Izabela2014-05-122014-05-122013Studia Edukacyjne, nr 27, 2013, s. 29-42978-83-232-2691-81233-6688http://hdl.handle.net/10593/10617In the era of transformation changes infl uence all generations and all spheres of life. Yet it seems that those who experience their consequences the most are middle-aged adults and the elderly, i.e. the generations that are responsible for rearing and educating the youngest citizens. The changes, which can be described in terms of increasing heterogeneity, ambiguity and mobility, constitute a signifi cant driving force for progress. However, at the same time they may also become a source of anxiety as well as of a sense of threat and alienation. In the present article we discuss the directions and quality of changes that ought to be introduced in the education system in order to secure stable (but not infl exible) foundations for students, guaranteeing their safe start for the future and unconstrained functioning in conditions that are still hard to defi ne at the moment. In our opinion, creating opportunities for all the participants and clients of educational institutions to experience different roles, both within and outside of these institutions (in the social environment of a school), is of crucial importance for the process of introducing the above changes. Additionally, it appears vital to employ a project approach, teamwork with groups of various sizes and state-of-the-art information and communication technologies as basic aids of education.pleducationpersonal competencessocial competencestransformation processtutoringPrzed jakimi wyzwaniami stoi dzisiaj szkoła?What challenges does contemporary school have to face?Artykuł