Rossa, Piotr2020-03-062020-03-062018P. Rossa, Kontekstualność przemian polskiej szkoły, [w:] A. Sobczyk-Gąsiorek, J. Szymańska (red.), Od teorii do praktyki szkolnej w zmieniającej się rzeczywistości społeczno-kulturowej, Poznań - Kalisz 2018, s. 141-157.978-83-941350-5-8 text refers to antropological and cultural as well as sociological-pedagogical approaches to analyse the challenges of the modern world towards the Polish school. Such a wide analysis, going beyond the school environment itself, allowed to outline the ongoing cultural changes, that are bringing many new opportunities with them, as well as posing treeats on the roads to obtaining ethical orientation and the hierarchy of values in the home and school education. In the introduction, I showed the dissimilarity of 20th-century historical experiences for particular regions of Europe, an at the end I made an assessment of the changes taking place in the contemporary Polish educational system and their impact on tasks for parents, teachers and educators.polinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccesspolska szkołarodzinawychowanieInternetmediadzieci w sieciwielokulturowośćtożsamośćeducationglobalizationpamilyaοικογένεια家庭परिवारvalorsviluppo scientificoeducazioneglobalizzazionetransformation of the Polish schoolпреобразование польской школы迁移身分全球化KüreselleşmeKimlikKontekstualność przemian polskiej szkołyContextuality of Changes in the Polish SchoolRozdział z książki