Marchewka, Anna2012-03-082012-03-082010Symbolae Philologorum Posnaniensium, nr XX/2, s. 27-38978–83–7654–059–71233-8680 with ubiquitous didacticism and typical of the Socratic philosophy moral principles, the Cyropaedia still does not lack humour. In his work, Xenophon used plenty types of humour, depending on the purpose, subject and also on the kind of the rhetorical devices. In the same time the author took care of the conformity of the rhetorical devices to the situation presented. The conversation between Tigranes and his wife (III 1, 41) is subtly wit while during the symposiums thrown by Cyrus we can notice some coarse and ironical jokes (e.g. II 2, 28 – 31; VIII 4, 18 – 23). The humour in the Cyropaedia is not only for the compositional reasons but it is also a perfect tool for Xenophon to individually characterize the main character – Cyrus the Elder.VIS COMICA IN XENOPHONTIS CYROPAEDIA Argumentum Cyropaedia (Institutio Cyri), quamquam praeceptis ad artem docendi et recte agendi pertinentibus, quae propria Socrati sunt, plena est, tamen elementis comicis non privatur. Xenophon in hoc opere variis formis vis comicae usus est. Eius vis comicae formae ab auctoris intentione, a re proposita et in maiore parte a variis artificialibus instrumentis dependent. Simul ille auctor curavit, ut natura rerum comicarum loci et temporis condicionibus responderet. Itaque tenero animo Tigranes cum uxore colloquitur (III 1, 41), in conviviis autem a Cyro instructis saepe facetiae et ioca impexa et ironica auditur (e.c. II 2, 28–31; VIII 4, 18–23). Vis comica in Cyropaedia non solum compositione valuit, sed etiam instrumentum ad descriptionem personae primae, id est Cyri, utile est.plXenophonSymposiumSocratesCyropaediaHumourCyrusHumor w "Cyropedii" KsenofontaHumour in the Xenophon’s "Cyropaedia"Artykuł