Filip, Mariusz2014-12-092014-12-092014Zeszyty Etnologii Wrocławskiej 2014/1 (20), s. 113-1332084-560X the time of its existence Zakon Zadrugi “Północny Wilk” was a male society. In the ideology of this group, Paganism and masculinity are strongly inter-connected. The rule “for men only” is also strongly exercised in everyday and ritual life. Taking these observations as a starting point for further considerations, I explore the position(s) of women in this male world. First, I focus on the male perspective, presenting two rival views of the male-female relationship: subordination and partnership. Second, I demonstrate how women negotiate their position within the Wolves. I will discuss one way of responding to these conditions in particular: the formation of Bogini Wojny based on the opposite principle, “for women only.”plRodzima Wiara (nie) tylko dla mężczyzn. O upłciowieniu prawicowego neopogaństwa słowiańskiego w PolsceNative Faith (not) only for men: About gendering right-wing Neopaganism in PolandArtykuł