Mikołajczak, Ryszard2013-03-182013-03-181998Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 60, 1998, z. 3-4, s. 243-2600035-9629http://hdl.handle.net/10593/5478The aim of the article is to attempt to determine a role of co-operative banking sector in the past as well as in the present day. When realising the above defined aim the Author took into consideration respective traditions in all three parts of the divided Poland (1795 - 1918), e.i. Prussian, Austrian and Russian on one hand and, on another, he has presented the essentials of restructuring processes within co-operative banking during the present period. The article comprises three parts and conclusions formulated in its final chapter. Part one of the article describes some chosen development features of co-operative banking throughout the country. Second part concentrates on present transformations within this sector. Problems discussed here take into account not only legal basis for restructuring processes but also financial condition of these institutions. This part is richly illustrated with numeral data displayed in many tabels the source of which is directly the Polish National Bank. Part three is devoted to considerations in relation with the future of co-operative banking group. Here, the Author has presented, among others, possible variants of stronger capitalisation and privatisation of the Bank of Catering Branch of Economy S.A. In summing up the article the conclusions have been gathered in what concerns main issues discussed that are of bigger importance for the present and the future condition of this banking sector in our country.plBANKOWY SEKTOR SPÓŁDZIELCZY WCZORAJ I DZIŚTHE PAST AND THE PRESENT OF CO-OPERATIVE BANKING SECTORArtykuł