Mungen, Anno2012-09-252012-09-252010"Images" 2009, nr 13-14 (vol. 7), pp. 65-721731-450X Lang’s film You and Me was billed as a “musical revolution”. But it never became one. Anno Mungen describes Kurt Weill’s struggles to reshape the film as a genre. Both in his theoretical reflections and his (not successful) practical attempts as a film composer, Weill was preoccupied with the idea of music as a crucial element of the film/theatre dramaturgy. This idea – as Mungen tried to show, analyzing three examples taken from Lang’s film – could direct the artist straight towards the category of film-opera.plWeill KurtYou and MeLang FritzMusic and filmSongsW drodze do "opery filmowej". Muzyczne eksperymenty Kurta Weilla w "You and Me" Fritza LangaArtykuł