Szewc, Andrzej2013-03-212013-03-212005Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 67, 2005, z. 3, s. 105-1110035-9629 paper focuses on some terminological issues arising from the notion of an ‘organisational unit’ used by Polish territorial self-government law. The lack of a legal definition of this notion has been indicated, as it leads to different meanings associated with the term in different legal provisions, giving rise to a number of practical consequences. The de lege ferenda proposal to regulate that has been offered.plO POJĘCIU „JEDNOSTKA ORGANIZACYJNA” W POLSKIM PRAWIE SAMORZĄDU TERYTORIALNEGOON THE NOTION OF AN ‘ORGANISATIONAL UNIT’ IN POLISH TERRITORIAL SELF-GOVERNMENT LAWArtykuł