Prengel, Marek2013-07-182013-07-182002Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 64, 2002, z. 2, s. 193-204.0035-9629 article is a discussion of the issue of new payment technologies along with a comprehensive view of their possible unlawful use. The notion of „new payment technologies”, virtually unknown until recently, denotes a system o f closed networks, chip cards system, and open payment systems. The author puts special emphasis upon problems related to the interconnection and mutual influence between the following four new phenomena of the 20th century: intensive organized criminal activity and such crime-fostering phenomena as: abuse of new payment technologies, ongoing globalisation, and intensified money laundering. The author sets out to present the arising socio-economic threats connected with the discussed processes and above all to shed light upon the technical and financial mechanisms connected with them. The author arrives at the following conclusions. Methods of applying new payment technologies, especially in money laundering, are as complicated as the economic system itself. The criminals’ unlimited imagination and resourcefulness is still ahead of any preventive measures. Additionally, the constantly transforming globalisation process makes it even more difficult to enumerate all the possibilities of unlawful use of these technologies.plTE CI INI C ZN O-FIN ANSO WE ASPEKTY PRZESTĘPCZEGO WYKORZYSTANIA TZW. NOWYCH TECHNOLOGII PŁATNICZYCH W DOBIE GLOBALIZACJI NA PRZYKŁADZIE PRANIA PIENIĘDZYTECHNICAL AND FINANCIAL ASPECTS OF UNLAWFUL USE OF NEW PAYMENT TECHNOLOGIES IN THE AGE OF GLOBALISATION BY THE EXAMPLE OF MONEY LAUNDERINGArtykuł