Sikora, Jan2017-12-152017-12-151982Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 44, 1982, z. 3, s. 179-1890035-9629 task of this article was to comment on the variety of concepts and definitions defining grounds of the subject of sociology of labor. The problem was discussed on the example of understanding of socio-professional and socio- -political activity and of the relation of the employers to their work. After having presented several approaches of various authors to that activity, I made an attempt of the sociological definition of those problems. I have accepted that the socio-professional and socio-political activity is a form of social activity in general. The first one is considered to be linked with the productional business, while the latter is connected with a non-productional sphere of an enterprise. The actual symptoms of the activity present in the working place were also indicated. The current socio-political situation of the country results in the extensive demand for the developement of that kind of activity. Therefore both kinds of the activity are determined by the objective global social needs and by the subjective willinness of an individual to undertake them. The socio-professional and socio-political activity is forming, among others, the employers' relation to their work. That problem became a subject of study in the second part of the article. I have indicated the complexity and changeability of that question influenced by the historical conditions. As I have emphasised the relation to work is resulting from the effect of various social factors, both general and specific, subjective and objective ones. The relation to work is a social relation and a type of social behaviour. I have considered the economic and social impact of the problem and indicated the tasks of the research on the relation of employers to their work. The empirical study reveals ignorance of that question both in the working places and in the institutions deciding of the socio- economic policies of the country.polinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessAktywność społeczno-zawodowa i społeczno-polityczna oraz stosunek pracowników do pracy w socjologii pracySocio-professional and Socio-political Activity and the Relation of Employers to their Work in the Sociology of LaborArtykuł