Kielar, Maciej2013-07-232013-07-232010PoznaĆ Studies in Contemporary Linguistics vol. 46 (3), 2010, pp. 313-3300137-2459 and ideology are assumed to be discursive phenomena. Therefore, the aim of the analysis in the present paper is to present linguistic markers of values that are responsible for organisation of various spheres of life, and the same time, for the shape of ideology of the 2004 EU enlarge- ment as it has been presented in the print media. To exemplify these assumptions, a Press release corpus consisting of some 30,000 words was gathered. It encompasses articles published between 15 April and 7 May 2004 which repre- sent such journalistic genres as press note, report, commentary, report with elements of commen- tary and coverage. In the course of the study, expressions pointing to particular spheres of life were identified and analysed as referring to particular values of the E.U.endiscoursevaluesEuropean Unionmass mediajournalismVALUES OF THE 2004 E.U. ENLARGEMENT IN MEDIA DISCOURSEArticle