Zwierzchlewski, Sławomir2013-07-172013-07-171999Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 61, 1999, z. 3-4, s. 203-208.0035-9629 the turn of the eighties and nineties in Poland a process in Poland a process of system transformation has begun - towards the introduction of economic and social order which is proper to developed countries of Western Europe and of the world as a whole. The change of economic system led to many new dilemmas; the problem of property transformations was one of the most important among them. Such issues as the following became then object of violent debates; what is privatisation? what attitudes can be adopted towards it? what should be privatised? who is the privatisation profitable for? So, essential controversies about privatisation are resolvable into a number of property transformations’ methods, into a participation of the State in this process and, finally, into a range of preferences reserved for the employees of enterprises submitted to a privatisation. Despite of the fact that the process of Polish privatisation is already quite pretty advanced - all the dilemmas above mentioned are still a live issue and are difficult to be solved univocally.plNIEKTÓRE DYLEMATY POLSKIEJ PRYWATYZACJICHOSEN DILEMMAS OF POLISH PRIVATISATIONArtykuł