Baryczkowska, Agnieszka2017-04-272017-04-272016Studia Edukacyjne, 2016, nr 39, s.11-36978-83-232-3088-51233-6688 is increasingly mentioned among the processes that transform the contemporary city. The term denotes a series of transformations of social and economic, occurring in neglected urban areas due to the influx of new residents with a high socio7economic status. The article focuses on the consequences of gentrification for local educational systems, particularly for those operating in schools and neighborhoods.polinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessgentrificationeducational environmentschoolneighborhoodsocial exclusioncityPedagog wobec gentryfikacji. Konsekwencje przemian społeczno-przestrzennych współczesnego miasta dla funkcjonujących w nim środowisk wychowawczychThe Educator vs. Gentrification. Consequences of Social and Spatial Transformations of the Contemporary City for Urban Educational CommunitiesArtykuł