Ilnicki, Rafał2013-06-042013-06-042011Studia Kulturoznawcze, 2011, nr 1, s. 59-672084-2988 this article I will show how a language mediated by electronic media is being organized in a different way than that determined by the symbolic modes of cultural transmission. Exactly this kind of change has been underlined as posted in the title childing, which is not linked with the innovative modes of a language usage proper to that of technologies of web and programs exploitation potential by users, but exposes the consequences of the kind of transformations which are conceded by philosophical reflection. By reading language practices in this way I emphasize that symbolic immaturity contributes to the devastation of logos – a successive impoverishment of a language through its instrumental utilizations causing its reduction to medial offers with preprogrammed use.pldyskurs elektronicznyregresja symbolicznafilozofia językakomentowanieDziecinnienie języka. Dewastacja logosu w elektronicznych dyskursachArtykuł