Prusak, Błażej2013-03-182013-03-182007Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 69, 2007, z. 3, s. 57-72.0035-9629 dynamically increasing number of transnational corporations in the global economy determines, especially in crisis periods, the rise in the number of transnational bankruptcies. Recently there have been a number of spectacular transnational bankruptcies such as: Parmalat, Yukos, Daewoo. As a result, this issue attracts interests of both practitioners and theory makers. This paper presents five bankruptcy system proposals (universalism, territorialism, cooperative territoriality, modified universalism and Rasmussen’s corporate-charter contractualism). The author has conducted a comparative analysis o f the above mentioned systems showing their advantages and disadvantages and presented their implementation in practice.plSYSTEMY MIĘDZYNARODOWEGO PRAWA UPADŁOŚCIOWEGOSYSTEMS OF INTERNATIONAL BANKRUPTCY LAWArtykuł