Smolak, Marek2013-03-182013-03-182007Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 68, 2006, z. 4, s. 27-34.0035-9629 author takes up the issue o f judicial ethics, and in particular, he analyses the influence of the jurisdiction of constitutional courts on the fundamental principle that a judge makes a sovereign and independent decision. This concerns a situation in which, by way of functional interpretation, judges amend the statutory norm that determines the manner in which certain goods are distributed. The basic ethical problem arises when the grounds for the rejection of a clear result of linguistic interpretation adopted by the judges gives rise to serious doubts as to its adequacy in the light o f the adopted assumption of the axiological rationality of the legislator. This, in consequence, may lead to a suspicion that the court that has decided in a given matter followed an opinion o f a certain social or political group. In the author’s opinion, in matters concerning the distribution of goods that could not be politically resolved on the parliamentary forum, or in cases where parliamentary inaction might put the citizens’ welfare at risk, a change in the statutory norms of the distribution of goods performed by the court by rejection of a clear result o f linguistic interpretation, in a situation o f a dispute regarding the assumptions of the axiological rationality of the legislator is acceptable, and the described behaviour does not infringe the basic ethical obligation of a judge to make a sovereign decision.plNIEZAWISŁOŚĆ SĘDZIOWSKA A WYKŁADNIA FUNKCJONALNAJUDICIAL INDEPENDENCE AND FUNCTIONAL INTERPRETATIONArtykuł