Sieradzki, Maciej2016-12-062016-12-061995Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny, 57, 1995, z. 4, s. 43-540035-9629 that the short time of the Act being in force does not give a full picture of its practical implications, the author nevertheless presents a critical opinion of the regulations and provisions of the Act. The Act was made in haste and hence its many imperfections both in the area of its structure as well as the functioning of institutional solutions it has created, generality and ambiguity of provisions which allow different interpretations or the lack of compatibility of the Act with all types of requirements from the disabled (eg. design of buildings and other structures). Cases of the Act being applied but not generating any measurable or substantial benefit for the disabled have also been identified.polinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessDoświadczenia okresu stosowania ustawy o zatrudnianiu i rehabilitacji osób niepełnosprawnych z 9 maja 1991 r.Experience of the period of implementation of the Act on employment and rehabilitation of the disabled of May 1991Artykuł