Pulka, Zbigniew2013-03-182013-03-181998Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 60, 1998, z. 3-4, s. 35-580035-9629http://hdl.handle.net/10593/5451An attempt is made in the article to approach and to assess integrally the whole of the work of Stanisław Ehrlich. The Author considers that this work is an example of consequently realistic opinions on the sphere of normative phenomenons regarded as a kind of decision making processes. According to Ehrlich’s intention the notion of a norm as an accomplished normative pronouncement is supposed to place the law in the sphere of social facts. Next — realistic solutions within the scope of ontology of law have to exclude a reduction of theoretical and juridical research to the only plane of logic and language. The Author of the article states that Ehrlich did not happen to realise his postulated programme of multiplaned theoretical — (and) juridical research and the theory of law as proposed by Ehrlich is imprinted with distinct traces of aksiological involvements.plSTANISŁAWA EHRLICHA WERSJA REALIZMU PRAWNICZEGOSTANISŁAW EHRLICH’S VERSION OF JURIDICAL REALISMArtykuł