Kucharski, Piotr2013-03-132013-03-132007Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 69, 2007, z. 1, s. 127-141.0035-9629http://hdl.handle.net/10593/5189The paper analyses a paid health improvement leave taken under the binding rules in Poland, which apply to certain groups o f employees of public institutions. This leave, also known as a paid leave for health purposes, or convalescence leave, is regulated by special rules of some acts, and certain regulations based on those acts. The purpose of this leave is always the same and involves the need to refrain from work for the realisation of the recommended therapeutic treatment. However, the principles upon which such a leave is granted differ. This differentiation may, among others, concern the following: 1) the circumstances that justify the granting o f that leave, 2) those who grant the leave, 3) the length of the leave, 4) the obligation or possibility o f granting such a leave. This differentiation of legal regulations for the granting o f a paid health improvement leave does not create any doubts when there are rational grounds for those differences. It must be emphasised that a health improvement leave is completely different from a sick leave or an annual leaveplPŁATNY URLOP DLA PORATOWANIA ZDROWIAPAID HEALTH IMPROVEMENT LEAVEArtykuł