Orfin, AgnieszkaWoźniak, AleksandraWiliński, PawełKarlik, Piotr2014-11-052014-11-052014Wiliński P., Karlik P. (red), Improving protection of victims' rights: access to legal aid, Adam Mickiewicz University: Poznan, 2014, pp. 211-221978-83-936610-4-6http://hdl.handle.net/10593/12126Publikacja stanowi zwieńczenie projektu "Improving protection of victims' rights: access to legal aid" (JUST/2011/JPEN/AG/2924) współfinansowanego przez Komisję Europejską, dotyczącego pozycji pokrzywdzonego w procesie karnym.The injured party plays an extremely important role in the Polish criminal procedure. However, there is a lot left to be desired in terms of binding statutory regulations and the way they are put to practice, especially when it comes to realistic possibilities of protecting one's rights and interests. The array of means available to the victim of a crime should be comparable with the array of means available to the perpetrator and furthermore they should be enforceable.enlegal aid system in Polish criminal proceedingsChallenges of legal aid system in Polish criminal proceedingsRozdział z książki